New Holland Combine Automation Solutions » Minnesota Ag Group, Inc., Minnesota

New Holland Combine Automation Solutions

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• The IntelliCruise Automatic Crop Feeding System automatically matches the speed of the combine to the crop load.
• The crop load is measured before it reaches the rotors to ensure that combine adjustments are made in anticipation of changing conditions.
• The instantaneous adjustment by the combine ensures that the crop load to the twin rotors is constant and maximized to allow for optimum threshing capacity and overall combine efficiency.

NH Intellicruise

IntelliCruise has 3 Strategies available:

• (New) Maximum Capacity: Combine will increase ground speed to reach max engine load or max ground speed. Fixed Throughput: Combine will vary the ground speed to maintain a set mass flow (maintain the same productivity in varying yields)
• Limited Loss: Combine will vary the ground speed to maintain a set mass flow. If loss level of 50% of trumpet is exceeded, crop throughput will be reduced to limit loss.

Operators can adjust these boundaries by:

• Maximum engine load: engine load % that will not be exceeded
• (New) Maximum ground speed setting: user defined maximum ground speed
• Feedrate sensitivity setting: user defined responsiveness of Intellicruise II


NH Intellisense


The New Holland IntelliSense system continuously and automatically optimizes threshing, separation and cleaning shoe settings to reduce grain loss, increase grain quality and reduce fuel consumption. Moreover the system will always seek to increase the productivity of the combine, within the loss limits set by the operator.

• The operator can choose between 4 strategies: limited loss, best grain quality, maximum capacity or fixed throughput.
• The user interface is very simple and allows even novice combine drivers to operate a CR combine like a pro.


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